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Live Greatly

Nov 30, 2020

John Walsh is an expert in Standing Out and providing insights into how to set yourself up for success.  John spent 20+ years as a successful Finance and Strategy executive with The Walt Disney Company and The Madison Square Garden Company before becoming the leader of the standout movement.  John is the President...

Nov 23, 2020

In this Live Greatly Podcast episode Kristel Bauer talks with Mark Metry about his journey overcoming anxiety & depression to get to where he is today. Mark is a Forbes Featured TEDx keynote speaker & is a podcast host of the global top 100 Humans 2.0 podcast interviewing Billionaires, New York Times Bestselling Authors...

Nov 9, 2020

How do you go from being a NFL player to a Celebrity Yogi and Mindfulness teacher? In this Live Greatly episode Keith Mitchell shares how he transformed his life after a football injury left him partially paralyzed.  Kristel Bauer and Keith discuss the amazing tools that helped with his recovery leading to where he...

Nov 2, 2020

How do you become a Youth Ambassador to the United Nations representing India at the age of 16? Is there a formula to being successful in your career and life? How can you discover your Ikigai, your reason for waking up every morning?  All of these questions and more are answered in this Live Greatly podcast episode...